Time For Some Body Art? How To Prepare For Your First Tattoo

You've finally done it. You've committed to your decision to get your first tattoo. Now that you've made that commitment, it's time to prepare for the adventure. Here are some easy tips that will help you plan for your first tattoo. 

Choose the Right Design 

Now that you've made the decision to get a tattoo, you'll need to choose the right design. This isn't the time for you to pick a random drawing. Your first tattoo should be a personal experience. If you've decided to go with an American Traditional tattoo, study the style before you choose a design. American traditional - or old school - tattoos, are known for their distinctive black lines, iconic images, and limited use of color. Some of the classic designs include snakes, skulls, and the classic pin-up girl. However, you can incorporate your own design ideas into the perfect American Traditional tattoo. 

Know Your Reason for Wanting a Tattoo

Before you sit down for your tattoo, make sure you know your reason for wanting one. Some people choose their first tattoo to be part of a fad, or to show participation in a group. Whatever the reason you have for wanting your first tattoo, make sure it's a reason you can live with. Your tattoo will become a permanent part of your body. Taking the time to identify the reason you want one will help you avoid buyers remorse later. 

Get to Know Your Tattoo Artist

Once you've chosen a design, and you know why you want one, it's a good idea to get to know your tattoo artist. Tattoo work is highly personal. You want to make sure that you have a good rapport with the artist you'll be working with. If you can, schedule a time when you can go into the shop to sit down with your artist. Not only will you get to know your artist, but they can help you with your design choice.

Select the Right Time for Your Session

When it comes to sitting down for your tattoo, it's important to remember that timing is everything. Before you schedule your appointment, make sure it's the right time for you. First, if you're sitting for a large tattoo, schedule your appointment after lunch. That way, you don't get hungry halfway through your session. Next, if you have a lower tolerance for pain when you're tired, schedule your appointment for a time when you won't be sleepy. Also, if you have a lower tolerance for pain, it's a good idea to take an over-the-counter pain medication prior to your appointment.
